DesktopStaff Contact Centers

We offer full sales and customer support tailored to your company's needs. Our Contact Centers combine the capability and expertise in order to provide you with the right solution. We take into full consideration your industry, propositions, timing and your company's target market.

Online Web Support Integrating online chat can develop a quick and efficient support system that reduces costs, relieves your staff from mundane tasks so they can concentrate on your core product or services. With our integrated chat and Website Receptionist Service, we can help you improve customer service satisfaction and increase online sales.

Email Support Requests for email support are always serviced within the specified timeframe and every email is custom-tailored. Our client's customers will never receive template or form letters. We take great care to determine customer needs and provide the right solution.

Inbound-Outbound Calling From product support, to lead generation, to sales and beyond, DesktopStaff's inbound-outbound call centers have been developed to handle all of your telecom needs.

Every missed call can be a missed opportunity. Our customer care agents are trained professionals, personable, efficient and intelligent people who are eager to assist.

Be confident - When away from your business you can spend time with other priorities, knowing your calls are being answered promptly, professionally, and courteously.

Expertise - Our experience in the Contact Center industry, along with our flexible solutions, quality assurance programs and commitment to customer service excellence has helped provide desirable results for businesses.

Personnel - We hire only the most qualified individuals and train them to excel in our service oriented environment. You can be sure that the individuals on your team are prepared and accountable to the success of your program.

Advantages - Inbound and Outbound calling offers communication services specifically designed to maximize the efficiency of your direct marketing efforts or to be a part of your support team.

Reporting - Reports can be provided in a variety of ways that suit your needs and can be published and accessed online giving you a paperless solution to monitor activity. You can monitor volume, trends, and a description of the most common requests or tasks performed.

Please view our overview of Customer Care Services & IT Help Desks - Tech Support - Web Hosting Support for related topics.


"Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it."

-- unknown author

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